We have Edit Assistants of all levels available to work on your productions.
They are comfortable with Avid, Premiere and DaVinci Resolve, Mac and Windows.
Their skill sets include: Ingest, Syncing, Grouping, Multicam, Media Management, Sync Pulls and much more.
Whatever your production needs.
All our EAs also have the support of Cunning's most expert team members who have over 10 years of experience as well as ongoing training and career development.
Our EA's recent TV credits include:
The Great British Bake Off - Channel 4
The Great Pottery Throwdown - Channel 4
The Great British Sewing Bee - Channel 4
Bake Off: The Professionals - Channel 4
Handmade: Britain's Best Woodworker - Channel 4
Drain The Oceans - National Geographic
Warrior Island - BBC
Springwatch - BBC
Winterwatch - BBC
The Piano - Channel 4
Gardeners World - BBC
Beauty and the Geek - Discovery UK
For more information on our amazing team of talented Edit Assistants click here or get in touch!

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'Kara' Giedville K
Kara is an experienced Edit Assistant confident working under pressure to meet tight deadlines for fast turnaround AVID and Premiere based productions.
With experience in both Unscripted and Natural History productions, she thrives to constantly improve her technical and creative skills. With her two Edit Assistant Assistants (Sugar and Honey) she's ready to tackle any post-production challenges!

Hover here to say hello to Sugar & Honey

Barbara B
Barbara brings a wide variety of working experience within the TV and film industry, from working as TV Operator whilst sailing at sea on a cruise ship to working as Camera Assistant on a shoot in tropical Laos.
Travelling is a big part of her life. Originally from Austria she began working with Cunning while living in England and she is now currently based in New Zealand.
Her reliability and joyful personality combined with a strong work ethic make her a great part of the team, despite the distance.
Barbara has now worked across several projects with us including The Great British Bake Off.

Rusne S
Currently based in London, Rusne has worked on Channel 4’s ‘The Great Pottery Throw Down’ and ‘The Piano’.
She is one of our newer EA’s and seeks to expand her skills and knowledge in post-production workflows and eventually become an Offline Editor.
Outside of work, she enjoys camping and hiking in nature or exploring various hidden streets and corners of the city.

We are always interested to hear from Edit Assistants, Data Wranglers and DIT's. Send us an email introducing yourself and attach a CV.